• It's Always hug o'clock!


While our journey's may be very different, the underlying truth of our Shared Human Experience remains the same.

Perhaps sharing the epiphanies & realizations of my journey inspire you to realize that underneath it all we are all the same; there is no other.

It's a new Paleo cookbook, and so much more...

It's a new Paleo cookbook, and so much more...

Picked up the Nom Nom Paleo book at Superstore today after a good friend let me know it was currently on sale.

While I really appreciated recipes like Paleo Mayo and Pho, I was pleasantly surprised by all the kitchen/pantry tips and tricks like freezing ginger! An excellent addition to our ever growing library.

Read about Michelle on her nomnompaleo.com website; which also includes a wealth of other Paleo information and recipes.

  • It's Always hug o'clock!