• It's Always hug o'clock!


While our journey's may be very different, the underlying truth of our Shared Human Experience remains the same.

Perhaps sharing the epiphanies & realizations of my journey inspire you to realize that underneath it all we are all the same; there is no other.

Fixes for Five Paleo Mistakes

Here's a quick bulleted list of Lauren's post over at Empowered Substances:

  1. Slow down on the nuts and seeds
  2. Don’t eat lean protein
  3. Stop drowning your body in water
  4. Don’t cook in chemicals
  5. Eat Enough Carbs

Thank You for sharing Lauren; an excellent read!

Update! I've also found some additional posts that support and expand these ideas on Sébastien's informative PaleoLeap.com website:

  • It's Always hug o'clock!