• It's Always hug o'clock!


While our journey's may be very different, the underlying truth of our Shared Human Experience remains the same.

Perhaps sharing the epiphanies & realizations of my journey inspire you to realize that underneath it all we are all the same; there is no other.

The Return of Cooking on Cast Iron

Cooking with cast-iron is great.  A well-seasoned pan is just as slippery as its non-stick counterpart.  It heats evenly, can go in the oven, can be used at high temperatures, increases the iron content of our food, and has a very, very long lifetime.  And while high-end cast-iron cookware costs a pretty penny, a basic cast-iron frying pan is very inexpensive.

I knew I was sick of Teflon, and sometime Stainless Steel cookware can get pricey... time to start our own cast-iron tradition!

  • It's Always hug o'clock!