Attended my second FSS (Foundation for Shaman Studies) workshop this weekend; sponsored by Divine Clarity. I was so excited after my first workshop that I could hardly wait for the next one offered.
Participants learn how to deal with the issue of dying and the destiny of souls from a shamanic perspective. The workshop is both for those who wish to learn for themselves, and for those who wish to help others who are in terminal situations or who have already passed on. Experiences to be undertaken include learning how to become experientially familiar with the after-death realms, tracking a person using shamanic journeying, completing unfinished business, helping a person to cross over, and classic psychopomp work.
I wasn't initially as wowed by this workshop as I was the first. I think mainly because it seemed to be slanted towards things we would do for other people, and I was still hoping to focus on my own self improvement/exploration; a shift in my expectations. In the end I came to some well needed realizations about life, death, family, and friends; and I am grateful for the healthier perspectives.
Learned psychopomp!