Nonviolent Communication
Of the many lessons that Marshall Rosenburg taught, one that has stood out most for me was (and I am paraphrasing)...
"People are only ever trying to say two things... Please, and Thank You. Sometimes catastrophically."
There is indeed and incredible amount to learn from NVC about feelings, needs, compassion, and empathy. Here are a few of the core principals (assumptions) according to the Nonviolent Communication entry on Wikipedia...
- All human beings share the same needs
- Our world offers sufficient resources for meeting everyone's basic needs
- All actions are attempts to meet needs
- Feelings point to needs being met or unmet
- All human beings have the capacity for compassion
- Human beings enjoy giving
- Human beings meet needs through interdependent relationships
- Human beings change
- Choice is internal
- The most direct path to peace is through self-connection
Some people may judge the content of Marshall's videos for their slow pace, his methodical speaking, or even the fact he may use puppets on occasion. My recommendation is to look past these judgements and tune in to the incredible gift of knowledge you are about to receive. I've added some content from a newer resource for variety, fresh perspectives, and fun!
The first six videos are great quick intro's to NVC and its concepts; with the sixth being a synopsis of the seventh. The seventh is a 3hr workshop on NVC basics. The eighth video is a more advanced 8hr workshop. The ninth video is a playlist of a 9-part NVC Introductory Training Course.