• It's Always hug o'clock!


While our journey's may be very different, the underlying truth of our Shared Human Experience remains the same.

Perhaps sharing the epiphanies & realizations of my journey inspire you to realize that underneath it all we are all the same; there is no other.

Our first water kefir batch

Over the last few days, we've been slowly drinking the starter kefir batch I'd acquired, as it continued to ferment on our counter.  The kefir seemed to get thicker and more sharp as the days went by... so we were certainly exposed to a wide range of flavours as it fermented.

Having consumed the last of the water, I followed the guidance and recipe found on growyouthful.com to put together our first brew of water kefir.  For our first batch, I decided to use 100% maple syrup as our sugar.  That and the molasses explains the dark rich colour.

  • It's Always hug o'clock!