• It's Always hug o'clock!


While our journey's may be very different, the underlying truth of our Shared Human Experience remains the same.

Perhaps sharing the epiphanies & realizations of my journey inspire you to realize that underneath it all we are all the same; there is no other.


What I love about yoga is it's versatility; it can be whatever you need it to me.  Slow, meditative, restoring, healing, stretching, increase flexibility, cardio, core building... and the list goes on and on.

Right now I'm focused on nice, slow, intentional Yin and Vinyasa Flow for healing, stretching, flexibility, and core.  When my body is in agreement though (my lower back, glutes, and hips sometimes need lots of TLC) the plan is to inject Kundalini Yoga back into the mix!

Lately, I've been really enjoying what I've experienced on Jessica Richburg's YouTube Channel... below are some great sets that I am currently doing or working towards.

  • It's Always hug o'clock!